Monday, October 24, 2022


 Logan is definitely one of my favorite places to go to.  In another life, I think B and I would have moved there and lived for an indefinite amount of time.  The winters are brutal but the Cache valley is always a sight for sore eyes.  I love dropping down from Sardine Canyon into the valley.  It's not wall to wall housing and people. Life moves a little slower there.

First on our list of stops is Cox Honeyland.  They have the best honey.  And their different kinds of fudge are divine.  Especially the chocolate peanut butter fudge.  The gift part of their store is so fun to wander through.  They always have unique things you feel like you need to buy.  Either for yourself or someone you know!

Second on our list of stops is Gossner Foods.  We love this place.  Mostly they have milk and cheese.  Cheese curds are a must to buy.  They are delicious.  Even if B doesn't think so.  He likes to buy the Jalepeno Jack cheese to go with his Wheat Thins which is fine by me as long as I can get my cheese curds.  They also have shelf stable milk.  The root beer flavor tastes like a root beer float. It's so good.  We have an awesome neighbor give us a carton of their Egg Nog for Christmas which didn't last very long.  I thought it was a genius idea for a Christmas gift.

Next up is El Toro Viejo.  Do you sense a food theme going on here.  You may or may not be correct.  El Toro is obviously Mexican food.  We were first introduced to them by our Sarah when she lived in Logan and was going to school.  It was kind of a dive.  But the food was the best Mexican we had ever had.  They have since moved and upgraded the ambience, which I kind of miss.  But I still love the food.  

Finally, we ALWAYS have to stop and get some Aggie ice cream.  Who doesn't love that stuff?  If I'm lucky I can talk Brad into bringing home a half gallon of their deliciousness.

After all that wonderful food fest stuff that we did, we had to walk it all off!  So we headed up the canyon.  We got as far as First Dam.  It has a great park with water where people were kayaking.  But across the street north is a walking trail that goes up the mountain.  It goes up and follows the Bonneville Shoreline.  The view is amazing!  Like, 'take your breath away' amazing.  

Along this trail I saw these two small trees growing out of the rock.  This kind of scene never ceases to amaze me.  Especially when it's 90 degrees outside and we're in a drought.  How do these trees do it?  How do they stay alive?  How do they keep green?   It made me think of the meme that shows the flower growing out of the sidewalk that says "Bloom Where You're Planted". Which sometimes make me shake my head. 

Sometimes I don't like where I'm planted.  I don't feel like blooming.  I'm just trying to get by.  There's a drought in my life.  It's hot.  I loved seeing these trees.  They weren't blooming.  There were no flowers.  But they were growing. There is a drought and it was HOT.   They were beautiful and inspiring.  I may not feel like I'm blooming.  But I can grow where I am.  And maybe along the way I can be beautiful and inspiring to someone else on their own hot dry journey.  

Friday, October 14, 2022



B and I had the chance to get away for the weekend.  It was crazy for days leading up to Sunday when we decided to leave. 

Normally I'm so organized on conference weekends.  I get cooking done and chores finished early.  I have my pen and notebook by my side.  

Not this time.

I was scattered.

Willow was due to be re-tested for therapy work.  She and I have to re-test every two years.  Saturday was the only day they were doing it up our way.  Unless I wanted to wait three more months.  Nope.  

She passed her test which was amazing considering her focusing skills rival a gnat's.  She is easily distracted.  By someone walking by.  Another dog.  Water in the gutter.  Traffic coming down the street.  Or a fly buzzing around her head.

Yes, they told me I needed to work on her focusing skills.  How do we do that?  

The suggestion was a 4ft. lead.  I can do that.  Then hook her to the lead and me when I'm noodling around the house doing my daily routine.  I can do that.  We'll see how that works. I'm up for trying anything.  

K, I got a bit side tracked, didn't I?  

I heard the next three sessions of conference.  Then we were off on our trip down south.  We figured we could listen to conference in the car.  That worked great until we got in a canyon where there was NO cell service.

This pic was taken when we finally got out of the canyon and had cell service.  The dark clouds in the background are a post for another day.

To say I was distracted for this conference, was an understatement.  I had laundry, packing and Willow on my mind.  Not the Lord or his servants.  Although I did pray for them and their messages.

I didn't come to conference with any questions or problems that were troubling me.  99% of the time I do.  Not this time.  

But as I came away from conference with the messages I did hear.  And those I re-listened to in days following, the message the Lord wanted me to hear emerged.  There were themes and patterns I know he wanted me to focus on:  Knowing the Savior.  TRULY coming to know the Savior and having a relationship with Him.  Covenants.  Keeping my covenants.  There is safety, power and protection from keeping my covenants and knowing the Savior.  And in the coming days my family and I will need that safety, power and protection.  Also, temples, temples temples (along with the obvious Gathering of Israel).  Which is how we keep our covenants and better know and understand our Savior.

I felt there was an urgency surrounding the messages of conference this time.  We need a testimony of Christ.  We need a relationship with Christ.  Christ needs to be our foundation.

I have my work cut out for me, don't I?

  I DON'T KNOW!!   I'm always worried about what other people need or want.  I'm always scouring the horizon when it comes to th...