I am an introvert by nature. Yes, I love my people and spending time with them. Connecting, playing. But I also need down time and alone time to rejuvenate.
Some people think that I'm a snob because I'm not the first to talk to them and make them feel comfortable. I'm an observer and a watcher. I like to asses a person and a situation before jumping in with both feet. Granted if I'm the only person in the mix I'll talk and be friendly. But if it's a group, I'm not the first one to put myself out there.
If it's my own family, that's a whole different story. I'm in the mix and wanting to talk and connect with EVERYONE.
We open up to those who we're comfortable with.
Put me in a social situation, where there are ALOT of people (more than 10) and I'm stuck. I don't know what to do or say.
Give me a group of 6 or less and I'm comfortable and at home.
Sounds like an introvert to me. But I still need rejuvenation and alone time even with 6 or less people.
Rejuvenation.....what does that look like? Time in the yard. Either working or sitting. Reading. Playing the piano. Journaling. Cooking.
I first read this book about 7 years ago. Maybe it's been longer. I can't tell you the relief I felt as I read about introverts and recognized myself. But the beauty of this book was in recognizing the power and necessity of introverts. We live in a world that celebrates the loud, the outgoing, the social and gregarious personality. I have felt 'less than' because I was not those things. This book helped me realize it was okay to be quiet and need alone time.
You see, the world needs both. Introverts and extroverts. What a sad world it would be if we only had one or the other. I have friends who are extroverts and they keep me laughing and well-fed with their stories. Extroverts need introverts who will listen to them but also bring a different view to the table, when necessary.
I am an introvert. And it's ok.