Sunday, June 30, 2024



I have been thinking about the idea of being captured into Babylon.  

The Israelites continued to become more and more wicked.  They strayed farther and farther from the covenant path the Lord had set forth for them.  They were stuck in rules, rites, rituals instead of the true meaning of the Law.  Bringing us to the Savior.  Loving God and neighbor.  They were quick to judge and slow to bestow mercy. 

Prophets warned of them being taken captive.  Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Nephi and Isaiah to name a few.  

Revel 18:2-4 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

For all nations have drunk of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues 

Jeremiah 51: 6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon

1 Nephi 1:13...many things did my father read concerning Jerusalem--that it should be destroyed, and the inhabitants thereof; many should perish by the sword, and many should be carried away captive into Babylon.

This pic is one of the ruins of Babylon that is in modern day Iraq.

How does that equate to me in today's world?

I think I've decided we've all been taken captive into Babylon in one way or another.  Unless you're the prophet. 

I consider my caffeine and chocolate addiction being taken captive.

Others buy into the idea of the latest trends.  Which I guess is me too, again.  

We just got new flooring on the main floor.  LVP is what it's called.  And it's what 100% of new houses have.  No more tile.  And very limited carpeting.  LVP is just easier to clean and keep up.  Especially in my world of dogs.  But then I'm justifying, aren't I? And I'm digressing.

I think the whole idea of being taken captive is an individual thing and depends on whatever it is in your life that distracts you from your relationship with the Savior and God.  

But how do you flee Babylon?  It's all around us.  In your face, always.

For me, maybe it means getting up early and being with God and my Savior in prayer and in the scriptures.  Pondering is a big one for me.  And not just pondering about what I'm going to do that day. Or what problem needs tackling.  Pondering about God and spiritual things helps my focus and opens me up to revelation and insights that would never have occurred to me if I hadn't been still and quiet.  

Fleeing Babylon also looks like praying vocally in the car when I'm running errands.  Or thinking about what I read that morning.  Fleeing Babylon also means looking to my family and neighbors and their needs and serving them first before other things.  I don't need that extra trip to Costco spending $300 and not coming home with anything to show for it but milk, eggs, fruit veg. bread and cheese.

We are the Children of Israel.  We are of the Covenant Promise of Israel.  

It's time to flee Babylon and put our Savior in His rightful place.  At the head of our lives.

  I DON'T KNOW!!   I'm always worried about what other people need or want.  I'm always scouring the horizon when it comes to th...