Thursday, September 29, 2022


These are pictures from our RS retreat from last Saturday.  Normally, I'm not a big fan of this kind of thing.  They can get kind of weird.  But I knew where we were going and I knew the ladies who had organized it, so I had trust that it would be a good day and good time.

Not one thing was disappointing.

It all started with 12 passengers vans that were ready and waiting to pick us up and get us where we needed to go.  I didn't have to worry about driving, traffic or how to get there.  I could just sit back and relax and visit with the others in the van.

The home we went to was beautiful.  The views outside the windows were stunning and the temperature and weather were perfect.  

After a get to know you activity (which I'm never a fan of because I fall on the introverted side of the scale) which wasn't half bad, we had a guest speaker, Abby Stephens.  Her story was pretty remarkable.  She was in a car accident that left her a quadriplegic.  But after three months she was able to WALK out of the hospital.  She married her fiancĂ© and went on to have 4 children.  She talked about finding joy in the struggle.  Yup, I can relate.  So can everyone.  Everyone has struggles and difficult parts to their life.  The trick is to find joy.  Mostly by focusing on the Savior.  He gives us strength, power and healing.

After Abby spoke to us we had a 'women's' lunch of soup and salad.  5 different kinds of soup and 3 different salads along with fruit and good things to drink.  It was wonderful to just sit and visit with people I haven't been able to catch up with for YEARS, if ever.  Women need women.

Ahlena was next after lunch.  Meditation, breathing and a bit of chair yoga.  And sitting out on the beautiful back deck with that incredible view was nothing short of perfection.  I was so relaxed and content when she got finished that I didn't want to leave.

We took a little tour of Denise's beautiful home, visited, made bath salts,(thank you Margaret) visited, then hopped in the vans for our journey home.  

This was a day of joy and contentment.  A day of connections, re-centering and healing.

Monday, September 12, 2022


This is my happy place.  At least in the house.  

B has graciously allowed me to take over yet another room.  I have a soft comfy oversized Ikea chair for reading/studying, my desk (which you get the beauty of seeing in this pic) and lots of light.  Which I love.  Love.  Love. 

In the mornings I can watch the sunrise.  Which, on many mornings, is pure magic.  Then, all day, the light floods in the windows which are south facing.  Oh, and did I mention my plants?  Yes, there are plenty of them too.  It is definitely a joyful space for me to be.

Where is your happy place?  What space that makes you feel joyful, happy and peaceful?  

Thursday, September 8, 2022


September and PEACHES

Nothing screams the coming of fall more for me than buying a box of Lemon Elberta peaches from Manning Orchards.  They are big and fat and juicy.  Dripping off your hand kind of juicy.  

Nothing beats a bowl full of peaches and some cream and sugar.  It's ice cream in a bowl without the hassle.  

And the smell.  Oh, the smell!  It's the perfect aromatherapy for me.  

They are happiness and joy bundled up into a perfect round fuzzy package. 

I love the coming of fall and peaches.   


  I DON'T KNOW!!   I'm always worried about what other people need or want.  I'm always scouring the horizon when it comes to th...