Friday, July 3, 2020

Hobbs Creek Reservoir

So, we have lived in Davis County for 26 years. Until this summer I had no clue about Hobbs Creek Reservoir. 

We walked part of it a few weeks ago.  The west end.  We loved it. 

Today we decided to try the reservoir side.  The east end.  We had no clue what we were getting into.  This was at least a 3 mile hike.  Part paved, part dirt.  It was BEAUTIFUL and mostly shaded.  But there was also a lot of up and down that was difficult for Brad. And at times, for me too.  In places there were steps.  In many places it was just an incline that was very worn.  So we did some sliding.  Ok.....a lot of sliding. 

It was worth it.  We had no clue about this little treasure and I'm so glad we found it.

This not so short, walk/hike, with the dogs had many life lessons in it.  Life is NEVER what you think it might be. I KNOW it's longer than what I signed up for!  Life is harder in places and also more breath-taking.  There are places where you slide and scramble and you wonder if you're going to end up hurt or broken.  Then there are places where you wonder how you got soo lucky to have the view you do with the people you're with. 

Hobbs Creek stole a piece of my heart today. 

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