Tuesday, March 14, 2023


This winter has been the longest EVER. I'm not complaining.  I am just stating the facts.  The first good snowstorm we had was the first week of November. 

 And it hasn't stopped. 

We desperately need it. We have been in a drought for the last 5 years.  The snow is welcome.  Very welcome.  

The ski resorts are singing.  And dancing.  

I have wanted to go skiing.  But here's the deal.  It's either a been snow day or a getting ready to snow day, which means that the skies are gray, it's windy and the light is flat.  Flat light is no joke when you're skiing.  So I haven't had the chance to go skiing.

All the grey days have drained my energy.  They have made me feel gray. 

But I think I've found the solution.  For me.


My favorite kind of service is doing therapy work with Willow.  She's finally getting to the age where's she's more settled and calm when we go visit different places and different people. 

Two and a half years ago Willow and I were going to 2nd grade class in Salt Lake.  My amazing niece, K, teaches the class I went to.  Watching her teach is magic. She really has a gift.

Covid ended our visits. Which was very hard for both Willow and I. Until now.

Today was our first visit back at school and it felt so good.  I took Willow for an off leash walk before our visit which calmed both of our nerves. 

The kids were so excited when we walked in.  How can you not feed off of that energy and immediately feel better?  I know I do.  And did. It was like taking a happiness pill. Willow was in heaven.  She settled right in and soaked up all the loves and pats she got.  

Then the kids took turns reading to her.  Willow settled right down on the floor and closed her eyes while they read and gently stroked her. It was a very Zen experience.  I don't know any other way to describe it. 

All I know is that when Willow and I left that classroom, I felt calmer and happier than I have for a long time.  

Really and truly it was Willow who served.  She was the secret sauce.  I just was the observer of the magic she brought to the whole experience.  

 Serving those kids was good for both of us.  We'll definitely keep on doing it.


  I DON'T KNOW!!   I'm always worried about what other people need or want.  I'm always scouring the horizon when it comes to th...