Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bucket Lists and the Demolition Derby

I have been working on a bucket list.  My bucket list doesn't contain many things on it.  I'm easily pleased.  Just seeing my family get together and having a good time is enough for me.  Or reading a satisfying book.  But ever since Nathan told me about the Demolition Derby in Ogden and showed us pictures I have wanted to go and this was the year!  Nathan told us about it and got the tickets.  Way to go Nathan!  What a great kid!  The Demolition Derby is called May Mania and what a blast!  I thought it was going to be fun but had no idea.  The noise, the energy, and the people were all so great.  Right up until the end I was gasping and cheering.  It was so fun.  And yes, we're scheduled to go to the next one.

I loved standing in line for a corndog and kettlekorn too.  It was such a great time to people watch.  There were all kinds of people there. Even grandmas and grandpas like B and I. And the smells coming from the different vendors was divine.  I could have had a bite of everything and gone home almost perfectly happy.  Not to mention very sick and very fat!

Nathan and Aubree, Rachel and the kids all went.  I think Rachel was as surprised as I was at how much fun it actually was.  And when that black car in the top pic got pushed up on that cement barrier, people were cheering (and no one was hurt) I thought "Could it get any better than this?"  It did.  There were 12 trucks in the ring for their match which was crazy.  It was wall to wall trucks that ended up in a tangled knot of trucks with no one able to move.  In the last match of the night there was one car pushed up on the cement and he was so angry at being put there he literally willed himself off the wall, minus a chuck of cement from the wall, and then proceeded to take off after the car that put him there! Which he nailed.  Oh my!  It was such fun.  I felt alive for the first time in a long time.  It truly was a night of joy.

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